San Isidro Labrador Ecological Project
In 1997 , the San Isidro Labrador Ecological Project began with the installation of 10 garbage cans in strategic places in the community of San Isidro, which to date are still in operation.
As part of this project, each year, as part of the celebration of Arbor Day, each student plants a tree in different places of ecological importance in the community, for which we have the help of different institutions.
To date, more than 1,000 saplings have been planted. Later, efforts to promote interest in the environment led to the creation of the Environmental Education Committee, which organizes participation in the Ecological Blue Flag Program from 2005 onwards, the year in which the school wins its first Ecological Blue Flag with two stars.
Since that date, and consecutively, the institution has maintained the Ecological Blue Flag award, increasing from two to three stars to date. Currently we continue working to improve environmental conditions both inside and outside our institution, and maintain the three-star category, which is the maximum within that program.